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- Oratorical Contest
We conduct an oratorical contest for 6th through 8th grade. The contest is designed to assist youth in gaining public speaking experience.
Participants are asked to prepare a 4-5 minute speech on a pre-selected topic. Each participant presents their speech in front of their peers and families plus club members in a special evening meeting.
Their work is independently judged. Gift cards of $300, $200 & $100 and medallions are presented to the three (3) top speakers.
The Club held its 2021 Annual Oratorical Contest on April 29th via zoom, co-sponsored by the Pepperdine Crest Associates. The theme was “Healing the World with Optimism”. Seven (7) contestants presented before judges along with an enthusiastic audience of Optimist Club members and parents. Winning the Gold Medal and $300 was Chloe Loquet, winning the Silver Medal and $200 was Logan Epstein and winning the Bronze Medal and $100 was Irina Columbeanu.